I, 2018/1

May, 2018
Distant Neighbours
Early Modern History
Bernadette Hofinger, Harald Kufner, Christopher Laferl, Judith Moser-Kroiss, Nicola Tschugmell (eds.)

Die Korrespondenz Ferdinands I. Familienkorrespondenz Bd. 5: 1535 und 1536

Review by Katia Occhi

Adriano Prosperi

La vocazione.
Storie di gesuiti tra Cinquecento e Seicento

Review by Pierre Antoine Fabre

Andrea Bonoldi, Markus A. Denzel, Andrea Leonardi, Cinzia Lorandini (eds.)

Merchants in Times of Crises (16th to Mid-19th Century)

Review by Massimo Fornasari

Stefano Levati

Storia del tabacco nell'Italia moderna.

Review by Claudio Ferlan

Daniel Bellingradt, Paul Nelles, Jeroen Salman (eds.)

Books in Motion in Early Modern Europe.
Beyond Production, Circulation and Consumption

Review by Rebecca Carnevali

Anne Montenach

Femmes, pouvoirs et contrebande dans les Alpes au XVIIIe siècle

Review by Vanessa Giannò Talamone

19th Century
Contemporary History

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